Type of publication identifier or the organization or system that defined the identifier.
This attribute is used in several contexts:
as part of the article metadata defined inside the element <article-meta> (for example, on the <article-id> element, which holds an identifier for the entire article, or the <product> element);
inside a bibliographic citation element such as <mixed-citation> or <element-citation> (for example, on the <pub-id> element, which identifies a publication cited in a bibliographic reference list);
on an object identifier element (<object-id>), which can act as an identifier for any number of different elements;
on a related article or other related object (for example, on the element <related-object>); and
on an issue or volume identifier (for example, on the <issue-id> element, which identifies an issue).
Value | Meaning |
accession | (bioinformatics) a unique identifier given to a DNA or protein sequence record for tracking the sequence record and the associated sequence over time in a data repository. |
ark | Archival Resource Key — a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) containing the word "ark" that is a multi-purpose identifier for information objects of any type |
art-access-id | Generic article accession identifier for interchange and retrieval between archives. |
arxiv | arXiv archive of electronic preprints. |
coden | Obsolete PDB/CCDC identifier (may be present on older articles). |
doaj | Directory of Open Access Journals. |
doi | Digital Object Identifier. |
handle | Handle identifier, part of the Handle System for assigning, managing, and resolving persistent identifiers for digital objects and other resources on the Internet |
isbn | International Standard Book Number. |
manuscript | Identifier assigned to a manuscript. |
medline | NLM Medline identifier. |
other | None of the named identifiers in this list. |
pii | The original Publisher Item Identifier(PII) was a system to provide unique and concise identification for individual published documents with a highly specified string. The PII specification is no longer in common use (2010). |
pmcid | PubMed Central identifier. |
pmid | PubMed ID; see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=pubmed. |
publisher-id | Publisher’s identifier, such as an article-id, artnum, identifier, article-number, pub-id, etc. |
sici | Serial Item and Contribution Identifier (An ANSI/NISO Z39.56 code to uniquely identify volumes, articles, or other parts of a periodical. A journal article may have more than one SICI, for example, one for a print version and another for an electronic version.). |
std-designation | The official number of a standard, from a standards body such as ISO,
NISO, IEEE, ASME, et al., for example, Z39.96-2015. |
Value | Meaning |
Text, numbers, or special characters | The type of identifier doior name or type of organization that created the identifier aggregator. |