The Journal Publishing Tag (Publishing
) Set defines elements and attributes that describe the
content and metadata of journal articles, including research and non-research articles,
editorials, and book and product reviews. The Tag Set allows for descriptions of the
full article content or just the article header metadata.
Publishing is a moderately prescriptive tag set, optimized for archives that wish to regularize and control their content, not to accept the sequence and arrangement presented to them by any particular publisher. The Tag Set is also intended for use by publishers for the initial XML tagging of journal material, usually as converted from an authoring form like Microsoft Word.
Because Publishing is optimized for regularizing an archive or establishing a sequence of elements to aid print and web production, the Tag Set is smaller than the Archiving and Interchange Tag Set. There are fewer elements, fewer choices in many contexts, and a particular element sequence is imposed more often.
The philosophy of this Publishing Tag Set is to prefer a single structural form whenever possible. The Publishing Tag Set is optimized for regularizing an archive or establishing a sequence of elements to aid print and web production. Elements and tagging choices are limited to produce consistent data structures to enable output products and to provide a single location of information for searching.
By design, this is a model for journal articles, such as the typical research article found in an STM journal, and not a model for complete journals. This Tag Set does not include an overarching model for a collection of articles. In addition, the following journal material is not described by this Tag Set:
Company, product, or service display advertising
Job search or classified advertising
Calendars, meeting schedules, and conference announcements (except as these can be tagged as ordinary articles, sub-articles, or sections within articles)
Material specific to an individual journal, such as Author Guidelines, Policy and Scope statements, editorial or advisory boards, detailed indicia, etc.
The Journal Publishing Tag Set defines a document that is a top-level component of a journal such as an article, a book or product review, or a letter to the editor. Each such document is composed of one or more parts; if there is more than one part, they must appear in the following order:
Front matter (required). The article front matter contains the metadata for the article (also called article header information), for example, the article title, the journal in which it appears, the date and issue of publication for that issue of that journal, a copyright statement, etc. This is not textual front matter as appears in books, rather this is bibliographic information about the article and the journal in which it was published.
Body of the article (optional). The body of the article is the main textual and graphic content of the article. This usually consists of paragraphs and sections, which may themselves contain figures, tables, sidebars (boxed text), etc. The body of the article is optional to accommodate those repositories that just keep article header information and do not tag the textual content.
Back matter for the article (optional). If present, the article back matter contains information that is ancillary to the main text, such as a glossary, appendix, or list of cited references.
Floating Material (optional). A publisher may choose to place all the floating objects in an article (such as tables, figures, boxed text sidebars, etc.) into a separate container element outside the narrative flow for convenience of processing.
Following the front, body, back, and floating material, there may be either one or more responses to the article or one or more subordinate articles:
Response. A response is a commentary on the article itself, for example, an opinion from an editor on the importance of the article or a reply from the original author to a letter concerning his article.
Sub-article. A sub-article is a small article that is completely contained inside another article.
Each element in the Tag Set is listed and identified, and specifics of the model of the element in this Tag Set are provided.
Each element is identified with a <tag>, element name, and definition, as it is listed in Section 7, Tag Suite Components. Following that appears the modeling information specific to this Tag Set:
any attributes the element may have in this Tag Set, including:
the attribute name and
the attribute’s informal expanded name
the element’s content model, described in narrative form, in which:
the relationships among elements or groups of elements are specified, for example,
Any combination of
if the structures may occur in any sequence, or The following, in order
if the structures must appear in the specified sequence
the elements are identified by their <tag>s and Element Names
notes indicating occurrence:
if the relationship indicator is Any combination of
, any of the elements therein may occur zero or more times in any sequence
if there is any other relationship indicator, it is assumed that an element must occur,
and may occur only once unless there is a statement otherwise. Such statement may
be zero or one
, one or more
, or zero or more
Note that for the convenience of the user these models are provided as XML DTDs, W3C XML Schemas (XSD), and as RELAX NG Schemas (RNGs), which may be found at
9.4.1 <abbrev> Abbreviation or Acronym
9.4.2 <abbrev-journal-title> Abbreviated Journal Title
9.4.4 <access-date> Access Date for Cited Work
9.4.6 <addr-line> Address Line
9.4.7 <address> Address/Contact Information
9.4.9 <aff-alternatives> Affiliation Alternatives
9.4.10 <ali:free_to_read> Free to Read (NISO Access License and Indicators)
9.4.11 <ali:license_ref> License Reference (NISO Access License and Indicators)
9.4.12 <alt-text> Alternate Text Name (for a figure, etc.)
9.4.13 <alt-title> Alternate Title
9.4.14 <alternatives> Alternatives For Processing
9.4.15 <annotation> Annotation in a Citation
9.4.18 <app-group> Appendix Group
9.4.19 <array> Array (Simple Tabulation)
9.4.21 <article-categories> Article Grouping Data
9.4.22 <article-id> Article Identifier
9.4.23 <article-meta> Article Metadata
9.4.24 <article-title> Article Title
9.4.26 <author-comment> Author Comment
9.4.27 <author-notes> Author Note Group
9.4.28 <award-group> Award Group
9.4.29 <award-id> Award Identifier
9.4.32 <body> Body of the Document
9.4.34 <boxed-text> Boxed Text
9.4.36 <caption> Caption of a Figure, Table, etc.
9.4.37 <chapter-title> Chapter Title in a Citation
9.4.38 <chem-struct> Chemical Structure (Display)
9.4.39 <chem-struct-wrap> Chemical Structure Wrapper
9.4.40 <citation-alternatives> Citation Alternatives
9.4.43 <col> Table Column (NISO JATS table model)
9.4.44 <colgroup> Table Column Group (NISO JATS table model)
9.4.45 <collab> Collaborative (Group) Author
9.4.46 <collab-alternatives> Collaboration Alternatives
9.4.47 <comment> Comment in a Citation
9.4.48 <compound-kwd> Compound Keyword
9.4.49 <compound-kwd-part> Compound Keyword Part
9.4.50 <compound-subject> Compound Subject Name
9.4.51 <compound-subject-part> Compound Subject Part Name
9.4.52 <conf-acronym> Conference Acronym
9.4.53 <conf-date> Conference Date
9.4.54 <conf-loc> Conference Location
9.4.55 <conf-name> Conference Name
9.4.56 <conf-num> Conference Number
9.4.57 <conf-sponsor> Conference Sponsor
9.4.58 <conf-theme> Conference Theme
9.4.59 <conference> Conference Information
9.4.61 <contrib-group> Contributor Group
9.4.62 <contrib-id> Contributor Identifier
9.4.63 <copyright-holder> Copyright Holder
9.4.64 <copyright-statement> Copyright Statement
9.4.65 <copyright-year> Copyright Year
9.4.66 <corresp> Correspondence Information
9.4.68 <country> Country: in an Address
9.4.70 <custom-meta> Custom Metadata
9.4.71 <custom-meta-group> Custom Metadata Group
9.4.72 <data-title> Data Title
9.4.74 <date-in-citation> Date within a Citation
9.4.76 <def> Definition List: Definition
9.4.77 <def-head> Definition List: Definition Head
9.4.78 <def-item> Definition List: Definition Item
9.4.79 <def-list> Definition List
9.4.81 <disp-formula> Formula, Display
9.4.82 <disp-formula-group> Formula, Display Group
9.4.83 <disp-quote> Quote, Displayed
9.4.84 <edition> Edition Statement, Cited
9.4.85 <element-citation> Element Citation
9.4.86 <elocation-id> Electronic Location Identifier
9.4.88 <equation-count> Equation Count
9.4.91 <ext-link> External Link
9.4.92 <fax> Fax Number: in an Address
9.4.94 <fig-count> Figure Count
9.4.95 <fig-group> Figure Group
9.4.96 <fixed-case> Fixed Case
9.4.97 <floats-group> Floating Element Group
9.4.99 <fn-group> Footnote Group
9.4.102 <front-stub> Stub Front Metadata
9.4.103 <funding-group> Funding Group
9.4.104 <funding-source> Funding Source
9.4.105 <funding-statement> Funding Statement
9.4.106 <given-names> Given (First) Names
9.4.107 <glossary> Glossary Elements List
9.4.108 <glyph-data> Glyph Data for a Private Character
9.4.109 <glyph-ref> Glyph Reference for a Private Character
9.4.110 <gov> Government Report, Cited
9.4.112 <history> History: Document History
9.4.114 <inline-formula> Formula, Inline
9.4.115 <inline-graphic> Graphic, Inline
9.4.116 <inline-supplementary-material> Inline Supplementary Material Metadata
9.4.117 <institution> Institution Name: in an Address
9.4.118 <institution-id> Institution Identifier
9.4.119 <institution-wrap> Institution Wrapper
9.4.122 <issn-l> ISSN-L (Linking ISSN)
9.4.124 <issue-id> Issue Identifier
9.4.125 <issue-part> Issue Part
9.4.126 <issue-sponsor> Issue Sponsor
9.4.127 <issue-title> Issue Title
9.4.129 <journal-id> Journal Identifier
9.4.130 <journal-meta> Journal Metadata
9.4.131 <journal-subtitle> Journal Subtitle (Full)
9.4.132 <journal-title> Journal Title (Full)
9.4.133 <journal-title-group> Journal Title Group
9.4.135 <kwd-group> Keyword Group
9.4.136 <label> Label (of an Equation, Figure, Reference, etc.)
9.4.137 <license> License Information
9.4.138 <license-p> License Paragraph
9.4.141 <long-desc> Long Description
9.4.144 <meta-name> Metadata Data Name for Custom Metadata
9.4.145 <meta-value> Metadata Data Value for Custom Metadata
9.4.146 <milestone-end> Milestone End
9.4.147 <milestone-start> Milestone Start
9.4.148 <mixed-citation> Mixed Citation
9.4.149 <mml:math> Math (MathML Tag Set)
9.4.150 <monospace> Monospace Text (Typewriter Text)
9.4.153 <name-alternatives> Name Alternatives
9.4.154 <named-content> Named Special (Subject) Content
9.4.155 <nested-kwd> Nested Keyword
9.4.156 <nlm-citation> NLM Citation
9.4.157 <note> Note in a Reference List
9.4.159 <object-id> Object Identifier
9.4.160 <on-behalf-of> On Behalf of
9.4.161 <open-access> Open Access
9.4.164 <page-count> Page Count
9.4.165 <page-range> Page Ranges
9.4.166 <part-title> Part Title in a Citation
9.4.167 <patent> Patent Number, Cited
9.4.168 <permissions> Permissions
9.4.169 <person-group> Person Group for a Cited Publication
9.4.170 <phone> Phone Number: in an Address
9.4.171 <postal-code> Postal Code
9.4.173 <preformat> Preformatted Text
9.4.175 <principal-award-recipient> Principal Award Recipient
9.4.176 <principal-investigator> Principal Investigator
9.4.177 <private-char> Private Character (Custom or Unicode)
9.4.178 <product> Product Information
9.4.179 <pub-date> Publication Date
9.4.180 <pub-id> Publication Identifier for a Cited Publication
9.4.182 <publisher-loc> Publisher’s Location
9.4.183 <publisher-name> Publisher’s Name
9.4.186 <ref-count> Reference Count
9.4.187 <ref-list> Reference List (Bibliographic)
9.4.188 <related-article> Related Article Information
9.4.189 <related-object> Related Object Information
9.4.191 <role> Role or Function Title of Contributor
9.4.193 <rt> Ruby Textual Annotation
9.4.194 <ruby> Ruby Annotation Wrapper
9.4.195 <sans-serif> Sans Serif
9.4.199 <sec-meta> Section Metadata
9.4.200 <self-uri> URI for This Same Article Online
9.4.202 <series-text> Series Text: Header Text to Describe
9.4.203 <series-title> Series Title
9.4.205 <sig-block> Signature Block
9.4.210 <state> State or Province
9.4.211 <statement> Statement, Formal
9.4.213 <std-organization> Standards Organization
9.4.214 <strike> Strike Through
9.4.215 <string-date> Date as a String
9.4.216 <string-name> Name of Person (Unstructured)
9.4.217 <styled-content> Styled Special (Subject) Content
9.4.219 <sub-article> Sub-article
9.4.220 <subj-group> Subject Group
9.4.221 <subject> Subject Grouping Name
9.4.222 <subtitle> Document Subtitle
9.4.225 <supplement> Supplement Information
9.4.226 <supplementary-material> Supplementary Material Metadata
9.4.228 <table> Table (NISO JATS table model)
9.4.229 <table-count> Table Count
9.4.230 <table-wrap> Table Wrapper
9.4.231 <table-wrap-foot> Table Wrapper Footer
9.4.232 <table-wrap-group> Table Wrapper Group
9.4.233 <target> Target of an Internal Link
9.4.234 <tbody> Table Body (NISO JATS table model)
9.4.235 <td> Table Data Cell (NISO JATS table model)
9.4.236 <term> Definition List: Term
9.4.237 <term-head> Definition List: Term Head
9.4.238 <tex-math> TeX Math Equation
9.4.239 <textual-form> Textual Form
9.4.240 <tfoot> Table Footer (NISO JATS table model)
9.4.241 <th> Table Header Cell (NISO JATS table model)
9.4.242 <thead> Table Header (NISO JATS table model)
9.4.243 <time-stamp> Time Stamp for Cited Work
9.4.245 <title-group> Title Group
9.4.246 <tr> Table Row (NISO JATS table model)
9.4.247 <trans-abstract> Translated Abstract
9.4.248 <trans-source> Translated Source
9.4.249 <trans-subtitle> Translated Subtitle
9.4.250 <trans-title> Translated Title
9.4.251 <trans-title-group> Translated Title Group
9.4.253 <uri> Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
9.4.254 <verse-group> Verse Form for Poetry
9.4.255 <verse-line> Line of a Verse
9.4.256 <version> Version Statement
9.4.257 <volume> Volume Number
9.4.258 <volume-id> Volume Identifier
9.4.259 <volume-issue-group> Volume Issue Grouping
9.4.260 <volume-series> Volume Series
9.4.261 <word-count> Word Count
Each element in the Tag Set is listed and identified, and specifics of the model of the element in this Tag Set are provided.
Each element is identified with a <tag>, element name, and definition, as it is listed in Section 7, Tag Suite Components. Following that appears the modeling information specific to this Tag Set:
any attributes the element may have in this Tag Set, including:
the attribute name and
the attribute’s informal expanded name
the element’s content model, described in narrative form, in which:
the relationships among elements or groups of elements are specified, for example,
Any combination of
if the structures may occur in any sequence, or The following, in order
if the structures must appear in the specified sequence
the elements are identified by their <tag>s and Element Names
notes indicating occurrence:
if the relationship indicator is Any combination of
any of the elements therein may occur zero or more times in any sequence
if there is any other relationship indicator, it is assumed that an
element must occur, and may occur only once unless there is a
statement otherwise. Such statement may be zero or one
, one or more
or zero or more
Note that for the convenience of the user these models are provided as non-normative XML DTDs, W3C XML Schemas (XSD), and as RELAX NG Schemas (RNGs), which may be found at
9.5.1 @abbr Abbreviation (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.2 @abbrev-type Type of Journal Title Abbreviation
9.5.3 @abstract-type Type of Abstract
9.5.4 @align Horizontal Alignment (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.6 @alt-title-type Type of Alternate Title
9.5.7 @arrange Arrangement of Subscripts and Superscripts
9.5.8 @article-type Type of Article
9.5.9 @assigning-authority Authority Responsible for an Identifier
9.5.10 @authenticated Authenticated
9.5.11 @award-type Type of Award
9.5.12 @axis Axis (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.13 @baseline-shift Baseline Shift
9.5.14 @border Border (Frame) around a Table (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.16 @cellpadding Cell Padding (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.17 @cellspacing Cell Spacing (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.18 @char Table Cell Alignment Character (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.19 @charoff Table Character Offset (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.20 @code-type Type of Code
9.5.21 @code-version Code Version
9.5.22 @collab-type Type of Collaboration
9.5.23 @colspan Column Span (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.24 @content-type Type of Content
9.5.25 @continued-from Continued From
9.5.26 @contrib-id-type Contributor Identifier Type
9.5.27 @contrib-type Type of Contribution
9.5.28 @corresp Corresponding Author
9.5.33 @date-type Type of Date
9.5.35 @description Description of a Private Character
9.5.36 @designator Designator of the Edition
9.5.37 @document-id Document Identifier
9.5.38 @document-id-type Document Identifier Type
9.5.39 @document-type Document Type
9.5.40 @dtd-version Version of the Tag Set (DTD)
9.5.41 @elocation-id Elocation Identifier
9.5.43 @equal-contrib Equal Contribution
9.5.45 @ext-link-type Type of External Link
9.5.46 @fig-type Type of Figure
9.5.47 @fn-type Type of Footnote
9.5.48 @fontchar Font Character Table Offset
9.5.51 @frame Frame (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.52 @glyph-data Glyph Data Character Being Referenced
9.5.53 @headers Headers (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.54 @id Document Internal Identifier
9.5.55 @initials Initials for Personal Names
9.5.56 @institution-id-type Type of Institution Identifier
9.5.57 @iso-8601-date ISO-8601 Formatted Date
9.5.58 @issue Issue Number of a Related Article
9.5.59 @journal-id Journal Identifier of a Related Article
9.5.60 @journal-id-type Type of Journal Identifier
9.5.61 @kwd-group-type Keyword Authority
9.5.62 @language Code Language
9.5.63 @language-version Code Language Version
9.5.64 @license-type Type of License
9.5.65 @link-type Type of Link (for a Related Object)
9.5.66 @list-content List Content
9.5.67 @list-type Type of List
9.5.68 @mime-subtype Mime Subtype
9.5.70 @name Name (Private Character)
9.5.73 @notes-type Type of Notes
9.5.74 @object-id Object Identifier
9.5.75 @object-id-type Object Identifier Type
9.5.76 @object-type Object Type
9.5.77 @orientation Orientation
9.5.78 @page Page of Related Article
9.5.79 @person-group-type Type of People in the Person Group
9.5.82 @prefix-word Prefix Word (For a List Item)
9.5.83 @preformat-type Type of Preformatted Text
9.5.84 @product-type Type of Product
9.5.85 @pub-id-type Type of Publication Identifier
9.5.86 @publication-format Format of Publication
9.5.87 @publication-type Type of Referenced Publication
9.5.88 @publisher-type Type of Publisher
9.5.89 @pub-type Type of Publication
9.5.91 @ref-type Type of Cross-Reference
9.5.92 @related-article-type Type of Related Article
9.5.93 @resolution Resolution of the Glyph Bitmap
9.5.94 @response-type Type of Response
9.5.95 @rid Reference to an Identifier
9.5.96 @rowspan Row Span (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.97 @rules Rules (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.98 @scope Scope (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.99 @sec-type Type of Section
9.5.101 @source-id Source Identifier
9.5.102 @source-id-type Source Identifier Type
9.5.103 @source-type Source Type
9.5.104 @span Span (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.105 @specific-use Specific Use
9.5.106 @start_date Start Date
9.5.107 @style Style (NISO JATS table model; MathML Tag Set)
9.5.108 @style-type Style Type
9.5.109 @subj-group-type Type of Subject Group
9.5.110 @summary Summary (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.111 @supplement-type Type of Supplement
9.5.113 @target-type Type of Target
9.5.115 @underline-style Appearance of the Underline
9.5.117 @valign Vertical Alignment (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.118 @version Version of TeX or LaTeX
9.5.119 @vol Volume of Related Article
9.5.120 @width Width (NISO JATS table model)
9.5.121 @xlink:actuate Actuating the Link
9.5.122 @xlink:href Href (Linking Mechanism)
9.5.123 @xlink:role Role of the Link
9.5.124 @xlink:show Showing the Link
9.5.125 @xlink:title Title of the Link
9.5.126 @xlink:type Type of Link
9.5.129 @xmlns:ali NISO ALI Namespace (NISO Access License and Indicators)
9.5.130 @xmlns:mml MathML Namespace Declaration
9.5.131 @xmlns:xlink XLink Namespace Declaration
9.5.132 @xmlns:xsi XML Schema Namespace Declaration