ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2012

10 Article Authoring Tag Set • 10.5 Attributes

10.5.80 @pub-id-type Type of Publication Identifier

Type of publication identifier or the organization or system that defined the identifier.

This attribute is used in two contexts:

  • inside a bibliographic citation (for example, on the <pub-id> element, which identifies a publication cited in a bibliographic reference list); and

  • on an object identifier (for example, on the <object-id> element, which can act as an identifier for any number of different elements).

In element <pub-id>, this attribute may be used if the element is used.
Value Meaning
art-access-id Generic article accession identifier for interchange and retrieval between archives.
arxiv arXiv archive of electronic preprints.
coden Obsolete PDB/CCDC identifier (may be present on older articles).
doaj Directory of Open Access Journals.
doi Digital Object Identifier.
isbn International Standard Book Number.
manuscript Identifier assigned to a manuscript.
medline NLM Medline identifier.
other None of the named identifiers.
pii Publisher Item Identifier.
pmcid PubMed Central identifier.
pmid PubMed ID; see
publisher-id Publisher’s identifier, such as an article-id, artnum, identifier, article-number, pub-id, etc.
sici Serial Item and Contribution Identifier (An ANSI/NISO Z39.56 code to uniquely identify volumes, articles, or other parts of a periodical. A journal article may have more than one SICI, for example, one for a print version and another for an electronic version.).
std-designation The official number of a standard, from a standards body such as ISO, NISO, IEEE, ASME, et al., for example, Z39.96-2012.
In elements <issue-id>, <object-id>, and <volume-id>, this attribute may be used if the element is used.
Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters The type of identifier doior name or type of organization that created the identifier pmcid (PubMed Central identifier).