ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2012

10 Article Authoring Tag Set • 10.5 Attributes

10.5.63 @mime-subtype Mime Subtype

Mime subtype for a graphic, multimedia object, or piece of supplementary material.

In element <inline-graphic>, this attribute may be used if the element is used.
Value Meaning
cgm Computer Graphics Metafile.
gif CompuServe Graphic Interchange Format.
jpeg Joint Photographic Experts Group raster.
png Portable Network Graphics.
tiff Tag Image File Format.
In elements <graphic>, <inline-supplementary-material>, <media>, and <supplementary-material>, this attribute may be used if the element is used.
Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters A specific mime subtype (from the November 2003 list).